Beyond the Male Gaze: Pablo Larraín’s Ema is a Visionary Masterpiece

Chile has been back in the news for “The Rapist is You” women street protests gone viral. Was Pablo Larraín’s new film intended to encapsulate a zeitgeist or did it organically evolve that way? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter because the meaning behind these powerful primordial images of transformation is so clear — we are inContinue reading “Beyond the Male Gaze: Pablo Larraín’s Ema is a Visionary Masterpiece”

THE EROTIC NIGHT: The Dark Energy Aesthetic in Contemporary Art

“The Erotic Night: Dark Energy as an Aesthetic in Contemporary Art” 
presented by Dr Streitfeld at the
International conference / Colloque international Media and the Night: Les médias et la nuit
18-19 March/mars 2022


Postmodernism is a movement that refused to die. The aged postmodern icons go on and on…and as prominent critic Eleanor Heartney declared way back in 2004: “There is nothing to replace (them).” And then, along came James Franco… By 2008. the movie star had become bored and frustrated with the limitations of his expression confinedContinue reading “TIME’S UP JAMES FRANCO!”