What is Radical Contingency?

By means of radical contingency, the previously undefinable formlessness can now be defined by its form, thereby transforming the subjective expérience into objective reality.

Radical Contingency is defined by the Science of Magic as the Yod (diving rod) converging with a perpendicular 90 degree opposition. This cosmology takes place under the timing of this writing following the 2021 Venus SUPERIOR Conjunction with the Sun.

According to the Oxford dictionary definition of contingency (below): “the expressly polar opposites are categorically exclusive meaning in this sense that the contingency inevitably creates definable conceptual regions which are objective when the contents can be conjecturally supported.”

The ‘divining rod’ configuration pointing to the quantum realm where all possibilities collapse into a singular outcome. Just as the single stem separates, the Apex of the Yod (the Moon/Vertex in the above chart) is the Root, the definition of radical.
IMPLICATE (BLUE) TO EXPLICATE ORDER (GOLD): The Apex/Root (A) as singularity separating into binary (C & D) defined by a harmonious (60 degree) sextile. This is where the dynamic of the THIRD (D) arises by way of the (150 degree) inconjunct of the THIRD (A + B + C = D), as opposed to the direct (180 degree) tension of opposites. With the Yod configuration, the tension of the polarity typically manifested in relationship via projection is directed into the THIRD entity of the relationship itself.

In quantum physics, this is demonstrated in the Double Slit Experiment, and the Wave Function Collapse and Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment.

By means of radical contingency, the previously undefinable formlessness (Neptune in Pisces, sign of rulership) can now be defined by its form (Mars in Gemini conjunct the Lunar Node opposition in 90 degree perpendicular square to Neptune). Moon in Virgo dictates form, which compels this act of writing (3rd House of Communication) integrating Science of Magic (Yod) with the pop phenomenon of the Twin Flame Experience and philosophical ideas regarding radical contingency applied to astrology.
Late Middle English (in the senses ‘forming the root’ and ‘inherent’): from late Latin radicalis, from Latin radix, radic- ‘root’.

What makes radical contingency the EMERGENT BEING as opposed to the EMERGENT BECOMING of the Twin Flame Experience, for example? BEING is determined by focus. Full Attention on the OBJECT OF DESIRE transfers OBJECTIVE into SUBJECTIVE.

This CONVERSION state is known as the transformation of desire, a quality value quantified by the apparatus (the pendulum motion measuring the raising of the kundalini serpent power from lower chakras to the higher.

Quantum Reality is the desired state (INTENTION + FOCUS + BEING) vs. the projection onto the desired object in which energy in motion (e-motion) is simultaneously subject/actor and object/receptor of a quantum experiment transferred the 5-D vision into 3-D reality.

Quantum Reality is a dynamic interplay of opposites in which inner desire is no longer in pursuit of the external object/ive. It is essential to understand that the external object is also an external objective fulfilling the focus of an inner agenda projected outwards, i.e. the fulfillment of desire. With the embodiment of consciousness regarding this dynamic of opposites, the externally perceived source of attraction is successfully transferred from the stationary object/objectification (acted upon) into an internal dynamic of the quantum reality in which past/preset/future are simultaneous.

The (r)evolution of desire into quantum reality is therefore the shift from OBJECT to SUBJECT, from EMERGENT BECOMING into EMERGENT BEING.

Once the sentient feeling of the archetype of the Hieros Gamos is recognized within, there is no longer the external striving for the object of desire. This dynamic inner quality is quantified by the pendulum frequency of rotation.

Quantum Reality: SUBJECT is a dynamic interplay of opposites in which the inner desire no longer pursues the external OBJECT. The externally perceived source of attraction is successfully transferred from the stationary object/objectification (acted upon) into an internal dynamic of the quantum as energy in motion (e-motion) as subject/actor of a quantum experiment.

The “I don’t know” state in which the glass is both half-empty and half-full. This is the nuanced space between the opposites, the ideal state of being, in which external events take over without any effort at all by the Subject.


Radical= root = original = unnamed = fate & destiny = conscious & unconscious

A RETREAT from THE ABSOLUTE into MOVEMENT requires action away from the CENTER ( STILLNESS) towards one side or the other. Such action removes the SUBJECT from the ROOT or ORIGIN — with far-reaching implications for the nature of reality. See dictionary definitions of RADICAL and CONTINGENCY below:


  • Traditionally, contingency is defined in a contradictory way to mean either the dependence on or disrelation from an initial point.
  • In Quentin Meillassoux’s philosophy, contingency is defined as radical contingency, meaning that all of one thing reacts or results from another. For example, our notion of time may be supervened upon by supervenience itself.
  • In philosophy, contingency always means a perpendicular (90-degree average relation), meaning each set of polar opposites supervenes equally with no other supervenience than some other such set of opposites, assuming anything can be part of an opposite pair or would be part of some more extreme opposite in which it would be included. Thus, the expressly polar opposites are categorically exclusive meaning in this sense that the contingency inevitably creates definable conceptual regions which are objective when the contents can be conjecturally supported, and the result scales proportionally to the number of categories and dimensions, and poles, etc.