Dr. Lisa P. Streitfeld

As the Aquarian daughter of the Human Potential Movement, Dr. Lisa Paul Streitfeld has been on the quest of a new modernist dialectic sourced in authentic gender balance since 1970. That year, her father became the first pop psychologist when he introduced the encounter group phenomenon in Life magazine and on national television.

Dr. Streitfeld’s pioneering of occult apparatus (astrology, numerology and alchemy) in hermeneutics in her European Graduate School Master’s degree (Special Distinction, 2014) and doctorate (magna cum laude 2014) culminated with her coining the term Science of Magic while conducting an investigation of “Paul is Dead at Fifty: An Excavation” for The Unreal, JOds MIT journal in September, 2019.

Early literary experiments with alchemy led to her launch of a 21st century dialectic “Eros as a Unifying force of a New Modernism” in her role as Southern Connecticut critic for Tribune Newspapers (1997-2005), subsequently developed as critic/curator in the New York avant-garde (2005-2011) and a global cross-disciplinary (R)EVOLUTION Series (2010-2016) for Huffington Post Arts.

An outgrowth of this dedicated tracking of a holistic art theory around the globe via art reviews created in cyberspace, hermeneuticsofnewmodernism.com is a critical “real time” exercise in the articulation of the vocabulary of a new art movement. Launched with the publication of Dr. Streitfeld’s thesis of the Third (Hermeneutics of New Modernism, Atropos Press September 2014) simultaneous with the allegiance to an EVENT catalyzed in Saas-Fee by Alain Badiou himself, as the quantum leap into the Third declared in Huffington Post Arts as the culmination of the EGS Media Lab founded and directed by Wolfgang Schirmacher (1998-2014).

Dr. Lisa P. Streitfeld’s HuffPostArts (R)EVOLUTION Series tracked a neomodernism movement around the globe.

In the static pages, the author discloses the vocabulary of new science of entanglement at work in contemporary visual expression. The postings are an extension of the book detailing the ontology of the new collaborative, interactive, gender-balanced “conversion” philosophy. What is unique about this continental philosophy is the cross-disciplinary collaboration of the greatest western minds congregated into the Saas-Fee Laboratory: Wolfgang Schirmacher, Alain Badiou, Boris Groys, Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt, Thomas Zummer, Graham Harman, Geert Lovink, Giorgio Agamben, Laurence Rickels, Avital Ronell and Slavoj Zizek were my professors, and therefore the transmitters of the whole informing Dr. Streitfeld’s contribution as the Aquarian filter bypassing the subject/object dilemma to embrace her dual role as observer/participant honed in the New York avant-garde.

Schirmacher (R)evolution in Saas-Fee: The Badiouan EVENT Takes For(u)m with Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Graham Harman and Geert Lovink

The Saas-Fee Media Lab (1998 – 2014) incubated Dr. Wolfgang Schirmacher’s pioneering field of Media Philosophy in European Graduate School; that the director lured Jacques Derrida, the founder of the French deconstructionist to the mountain to lecture to a handful of early students is Saas-Fee legend, as is the death Theodor Adorno, founder of the Frankfurt School, in Visp, the disembarkation point for the contemporary philosopher’s alpine trek into a new constellation of holistic thought for the 21st century.

The Treatise of the Third published September 2014